This week was very clear for me. I have been working with Excel for years. The first six videos were pretty elementary for me. What I found interesting was the videos on the pivot tables. The videos were easy to follow and the explanations were good. In my previous job I charged with first taking the E-learning classes provided by Microsoft for the Microsoft Office package then being the on site contact person for the E-learning training program. Our company moved to this format to improve the training that employees received for the Office package. There were pros and cons to this system depending on how you preferred to learn. Obviously for someone like me taking the E-learning classes was much more convenient. It allowed me to take it during my down time at the office and I didn't miss a day of work going to a site to take the class. I was able to go a my own personal pace which often it was faster than the others in the class and I would get frustrated because so much time would be spent on elementary topics instead of things like pivot tables. I was able to take almost all of the Microsoft 2007 courses. I have used excel in my work environment in various positions. I am very proficient in this program and used it greatly when working on presentations for my previous company. Since LNR deals in commercial backed securities you can see that the need to have high knowledge of Excel was needed. I would create complex graphs from the information provided to me for all the company's presentation.
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