In this project we learned to digitally sign an email and to encrypt email. Unfortunately I sent my encrypted email but with the wrong subject. I replied to the signed email and didn't change the subject so at the last minute I sent Professor Means another email hoping to get a reply but I do show that I did send two emails. (see pictures below) Another part of the project was to find an article about secure emails.
In this article (see link) it discusses how an employee of the NSA used secure emails to send information to a reporter. So it demonstrates how even when a company or the government agency has secured emails, that there are ways around it. The reporter and NSA source purchased premium Hushmail accounts that allowed the users to send and recieve emails without disclosing the sender or recipient's identity. The Justice Department states that the NSA employee volunteered to disclose classified information about the NSA that he was not authorized to possess or disclose. How does a company protect from this? The decision of the Obama's administration to prosecute might have an impact on whistleblowers but what kind of impact does it have on keeping information from "leaking" out.
If I receive a reply on the mistake I made I will update my blog. I thought it might be best to turn in the project and take a hit on a few points for having the wrong subject than taking 25% for being late.
To make it worse I fell asleep and just woke up at 12:35am!!!!
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