Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Week 15 - Clear

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Project - Secure Email

Week 14 - Muddy

Sunday, April 11, 2010
Week 13 - Clear

Sunday, April 4, 2010
Assignment - Database project
I can see the usefulness of Access over Excel. Due to prior experience I know that Access allows multiple users which for many companies is great. Access also allows for a larger data storage.
I found this project much harder than excel.
Week 12 - Clear

Extra Credit - Avatar

I had more fun than expected on this extra credit. When I first looked at which ones I would work on, "Create an Avatar" was not high on my list. I decided to open my horizons and try it out. I liked it so much that I actually went to a few of the sites to see what the avatars would look like. As you can see I like the ones that are more realistic. I found that you could get pretty close to your own look if you wanted to play more. I really did like that I was able to pick and choose the clothes on the avatar on the left. I was able to have the dog in the picture to represent my doxies (they are actually that same color). All in all this was an enjoyable task.

Extra Credit - VoIP
http://C:\Documents and Settings\Jessica\Desktop\2010-04-04_2011.swf
This was my first time using Skype. I found it very interesting. I think that I will go out and by a webcam this week so that I can get more benefits out of it. The friend that I was having the conversation with as been hounding me for years to do this for my long distance calls. My parents retired in Panama City, Panama and our international calling has been quite high at times. My father and I will be the ones using it the most. He and I use instant messaging every day to chat even for five minutes. My mother on the other hand might now like it. I think she might if she gets to see me. I talk to my mother everyday via telephone. Here in Miami there are alot of phone cards to Central and South America which make it very cheap to stay in touch. I think that I needed to take the headphones off since I just noticed that you can only hear my side of the conversation although you can tell I was on a call. Also I am not able to upload the recording since its in shockwave format. I will try to upload to e-learning site.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Week 11 - Clear

Sunday, March 21, 2010
Week 10 - Muddy

Excel Project
The second section of the project was to create two pivot tables. Although this topic has been covered in most of the Excel courses that I have taken, I feel that if you don't put this knowledge to practice you forget what you have learned. The first section I completed in much less than an hour. Creating the pivot tables took me more time. I encountered difficulties while working on the first pivot table. I keep looking at my numbers and they didn't look correct. I went round and round until I finally realized that I had to change it from sum to count. After that the second table was easier and quicker to complete.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Week 8-9: Clear

Sunday, February 21, 2010
Week 7 - Clear

Friday, February 19, 2010
Project - Web 2.0
I was not able to figure it out.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Week 4 - Clear

Week 5 - Muddy

Week 1 - Clear
I currently work in FIU and part of my job is to deal with the HR issues of all departments that fall under the CFO. I do most of my work via email for many reasons. The most important is to be covered if anything happens. During these communications I need to be clear and concise. I need to convey my tone politely.
One of the rules is that a person should try to be courteous and respectful. I not sure if its my age or that I was brought up differently but this to me is just common knowledge and should be applied at all times.
It is very irritating to receive emails from other staff members either in all caps or all smalls. In general writing in all capital letters is considered SHOUTING and is very rude. (Go back to Golden Rule - always be polite and courteous). Another peeve is when they use exclamation points for EVERY sentence.
We should always remember that the words and content we write are a representation of ourselves and that what we post on the Internet is very public and can be seen by anyone including future employers, the government and even criminals.
Friday, January 29, 2010
Week 3 - Clear - "Types of Websites"

Week 2- Clear "Data/Datum singular or plural"
I wonder how many other words do we try to make plural and are already in thier plural form. ummmmmm!